Thursday, August 23, 2007 CIA analyst Ray McGovern on the pumping up of the coming war with Iran..You see Iraq is just the pre-game show..!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Scott Horton - Blog Posts (Harper's Magazine)
Scott Horton - Blog Posts (Harper's Magazine) This is a link to the many 733 blog entries of Scott Horton at Harper's Magazine who appeared on C-Span Journal this morning and I was lucky to catch..
He is a staunch McCain supporter dyed in the wool conservative and brilliant attorney and true conservative who calls for Gonzales to resign and has the most detailed facts on the realities of the Federal Attorney firings, and the political abuses of the Justice Dept. an our Law enforcement..this is a rich research and reference's that for alliteration..?
He is a staunch McCain supporter dyed in the wool conservative and brilliant attorney and true conservative who calls for Gonzales to resign and has the most detailed facts on the realities of the Federal Attorney firings, and the political abuses of the Justice Dept. an our Law enforcement..this is a rich research and reference's that for alliteration..?
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Viewers See History Channel 9/11 Special As Straw Man Hit Piece
Viewers See History Channel 9/11 Special As Straw Man Hit Piece Criticism of the History Channels approach and veracity in the 9/11 special they did meant to debunk patronize the conflicting theories of what actually happened that day and why..!
If you look through this blog you'll see a link a few article down for the Bush Knew video that shows in film the true chronology of Bush's appearance in the school in Texas that day and what he really knew and when he knew it..
If you look through this blog you'll see a link a few article down for the Bush Knew video that shows in film the true chronology of Bush's appearance in the school in Texas that day and what he really knew and when he knew it..
The Raw Story | Veteran CBS newsman 'suspicious' of ghostwritten Petraeus report
The Raw Story | Veteran CBS newsman 'suspicious' of ghostwritten Petraeus report The Venerable Anchor Bob Schieffer comments on The White House writing the much heralded Petraeus Report to be delivered in September..
"The White House wants the general to deliver this behind close doors while Cabinet officers do the talking in public, And suddenly we're told the general won't actually write the report, but that his thoughts will be included in a summary prepared by the White House...!"
Two videos here one provided by CBS another offering from Comedy Central..
"The White House wants the general to deliver this behind close doors while Cabinet officers do the talking in public, And suddenly we're told the general won't actually write the report, but that his thoughts will be included in a summary prepared by the White House...!"
Two videos here one provided by CBS another offering from Comedy Central..
Monday, August 20, 2007
The Schlicken Empire : China has banned Buddhist monks in Tibet from reincarnating without government permission - Agosto - 2007
The Schlicken Empire : China has banned Buddhist monks in Tibet from reincarnating without government permission - Agosto - 2007 Red China's Oppression and Tyranny now it appears they believe extends beyond the material and into the realm of the Metaphysical...How hypocritical it is that our corporate oligarchical theocratic Republican party, endorses enriching these repressive persecutors of all religion..under the guise of Free Trade..Free Traitors that is..
Freedom Isn't Free, and Neither Are the Drinks - Features - The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper
Freedom Isn't Free, and Neither Are the Drinks - Features - The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper An insiders glimpse of a National Review affair, by some "stinking" Capital Hill Liberal Journalist who dared under take this risky assignment and pay $12.00 for a glass of wine..Conservatives at their best..or worst you decide and be forewarned some of the language is rather adult..and rather funny..!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Truthdig - Interviews - You Have No Rights
Truthdig - Interviews - You Have No Rights Has Bush become a Medieval King..? Apparently so..! Great article from Truthdig..!
Save the Internet Blog » Blog Archive » New Report Busts Telco Myths about U.S. Internet
Save the Internet Blog » Blog Archive » New Report Busts Telco Myths about U.S. Internet The Duopoly is right..The FCC is failing America and Americans over this "Bovine Scatology..!"
WorkingForChange: "He's Lying Us Into World War III"
WorkingForChange: "He's Lying Us Into World War III" Funny if is wasn't so sad..! Is it Bushes Divine Right as Our Unitary Executive Dictator to start WWIII and Armageddon..? Apparently so..!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Bush Is Not Incompetent — Rockridge Institute
Bush Is Not Incompetent — Rockridge Institute An excellent critique of the failures of the Conservative movement and ideology disguised by the apparent incompetence of G.W. Bush and his Administration..!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Bush's Private Army
Bush's Private Army There is no denying that Blackwater is the Unitary Executives private army..will it be used on Americans to enforce NSPD-51 and help fill the KBR detention camps..? More to come watch this video..from the great bunch at Brasscheck.. TJ..
The Schlicken Empire : Pentagon Paid $998,798 to Ship Two 19-Cent Washers - Agosto - 2007
The Schlicken Empire : Pentagon Paid $998,798 to Ship Two 19-Cent Washers - Agosto - 2007 This is outrageous and so typical of the Bush Administration utter incompetence..!
Illiteracy: The Downfall of American Society --
Illiteracy: The Downfall of American Society -- Illiteracy is epidemic in America the statistics are utterly amazing...Does this explain the Republican base and our decline into Dictatorship and well as other social trends..?
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Teddy Kennedy: "Draw the Line" / John Edwards '08 Blog
Teddy Kennedy: "Draw the Line" / John Edwards '08 Blog Edwards Blog site being run by Republican interlopers and sycophants..! Sadly we see that even the would be populist Democratic candidate allows Republicans to run his blog site and attack and obfuscate any hard hitting issue any supporter raises..It is typical Rove strategy and perhaps even being run out of his White House internet brown shirt brigade, never address the subject at hand but attack whoever is quoted..and re-direct the entire point of the post..!
They concentrated this tactic on me and now I am no longer allowed to post at the Edwards Blog site, as the first time any Republican raises an objection or creates a phony issue in typical Democrat fashion, rather then telling them to stick it go to hell, they cave in fold and sell out Free Speech and those who are most loyal to our Constitution and our system of government these Republican Corporate Fascists are destroying....This post is a good example of how Edwards is allowing Republicans and right wingers to run and censor his web-site, if he can't stand firm and fight back on his own site or support hose who do, how can he fight and stand up against them once and if office or during the general election...Read the post by this great blogger Karita Hummer and then see how Rove's hit squad immediately moves in to re-direct the topic and she no doubt will be the next to be banned and sold out by this populist lite Candidate..and his spineless associates..
They concentrated this tactic on me and now I am no longer allowed to post at the Edwards Blog site, as the first time any Republican raises an objection or creates a phony issue in typical Democrat fashion, rather then telling them to stick it go to hell, they cave in fold and sell out Free Speech and those who are most loyal to our Constitution and our system of government these Republican Corporate Fascists are destroying....This post is a good example of how Edwards is allowing Republicans and right wingers to run and censor his web-site, if he can't stand firm and fight back on his own site or support hose who do, how can he fight and stand up against them once and if office or during the general election...Read the post by this great blogger Karita Hummer and then see how Rove's hit squad immediately moves in to re-direct the topic and she no doubt will be the next to be banned and sold out by this populist lite Candidate..and his spineless associates..
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 08/09/2007 | Cheney urging strikes on Iran
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 08/09/2007 | Cheney urging strikes on Iran There is no doubt that a strike against Iran is ever more likely and is being urged and promoted by the think tanks, such as I saw from Heritage Foundation last week...One problem is the Bush and Cheney believe that if they leave office and a Democrat is elected then this won't happen... So they are likely to do so before leaving office also this could give them reason to enact NSPD-51 establish a Dictatorship, and perhaps even suspend the elections as it would disrupt the "Continuity" of Government..!
Monday, August 13, 2007
true911.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object)
true911.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object) An astounding time-line of 9/11 and What Bush Knew and when he knew it, all documented and on film and a matter of should watch this it's worth every minute..
Pitching For More Dead Americans: A Neo-Con Fetish
Pitching For More Dead Americans: A Neo-Con Fetish Yet another neo-con sycophant yearns for more dead Americans so as to support his wrapped failed ideology and Unitary Dictator..Stu Bykofsky and he's not alone..
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Prescott Sheldon Bush and Nazi Germany - The Education Forum
Prescott Sheldon Bush and Nazi Germany - The Education Forum A great detailed and very specific article with many links to the long deep collaboration of The Bush Family with Nazi Germany and attempt and plot to overthrow FDR and America with many links and other articles contributed..
The acorn doesn't fall to far from the tree now does it..?
The acorn doesn't fall to far from the tree now does it..?
Friday, August 10, 2007
AZplace | How the Bush Family Wealth is Linked to the Holocaust
AZplace | How the Bush Family Wealth is Linked to the Holocaust So The Bush Family fortune is tied directly to Auschwitz and the Holocaust and Standard Oil now Exxon, this in addition to Prescott Bush wanting to overthrow FDR and create a Nazi Fascist state along with other corporate swine such as Maxwell House and Heinz among others..
The acorn doesn't fall very far from the tree, does it..?
The acorn doesn't fall very far from the tree, does it..?
No End In Sight | Charles Ferguson | Representational Pictures
No End In Sight | Charles Ferguson | Representational Pictures No End in Sight a new Film and just The Trailer will blow you away..!
Thursday, August 9, 2007 - How to make an Angry American - How to make an Angry American A great video showing over and over the lies that Condi Rice, G.W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and the rest of the Bush Mafia have told so as to persecute this insane stupid ruinous wasteful war..! Watch this it's great and introduced by John Stewart..
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
REPUBLICAN CREED The Republican Creed they should repeat this every day on Fox Jim Money..
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
ABC News: How Iraq Trillion Could Have Been Spent
ABC News: How Iraq Trillion Could Have Been Spent Great article but as it says to date $700 Billion spent this does not include the now over $700 Billion as well that it will coast to care for the 12,800 plus seriously wounded for the next forty years, and this does not count all those with PTSD currently being denied by our suspect dishonest government..! So to date already the real cost of the Iraq war is over$1.4 Trillion in real dollars or $1,400,000,000, change..
Flag charges dropped
Flag charges droppedThe Kuhn family have charges against them dropped for flying U.S. flag upside down due to street wise media smart prosecutor, I must say here I do not believe any overtly disrespectful action involving The U.S. flag serves any positive purpose, that said there is no doubt this was their right under the First Amendment like it or not, and they did put themselves in harms way doing so especially in the south..but also in involving any local law enforcement which you should never over estimate the intelligence or tolerance thereof..
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders
U.S. Senator Bernie SandersBernie Sanders discussing clearly explaining the growing gap between the super rich and middle class and poor..While The Bush Administration attempts to cut the Estate Tax to further reward The Walton Family of Wal-Mart fame with an additional $32 Billion dollar Tax Cut yes that is $32 Billion not Million..for one family, Bush's Immoral Tax Cuts benefit the top .07% of Americans the most by far while we are at War, how then can we be and egalitarian society..?
WorkingForChange: Why Dems Caved on FISA
WorkingForChange: Why Dems Caved on FISA 30 seconds of the Pretzel Logic guiding our ship of state, and why the Demo-rats caved in and betrayed the 4th Amendment and all of America..!
Monday, August 6, 2007
Flagged down: Activists arrested in row over protest flag, allege abuse by Buncombe deputy | Mountain Xpress News |
Flagged down: Activists arrested in row over protest flag, allege abuse by Buncombe deputy | Mountain Xpress News | More on the Kuhn's arrest and witness of their home being broken into by North Carolina police, why do people live in the South anyway, don't they know better..?
YouTube - Ben of Ben & Jerry's explains $17billion of wasted tax money
YouTube - Ben of Ben & Jerry's explains $17billion of wasted tax money Ben Cohen of Ben and Jerry's explains our over sized nuclear this ..!
Feingold, Hinchey Introduce Resolutions Censuring President, Vice President and Attorney General
Feingold, Hinchey Introduce Resolutions Censuring President, Vice President and Attorney General Maurice Hinchey is my Congressman and I have already made note of Russell Feingold's great effort to defend our Constitution from these Texas Barbarians..
Couple Terrorized, Assaulted and Arrested For Flying an Upside Down U.S. Flag
Couple Terrorized, Assaulted and Arrested For Flying an Upside Down U.S. Flag An Officer broke into their home began assault upon them then 89 police cars arrived and they were threatened to be tasered these poor people were terrorized and media has not covered it..and The Demo-rats gave Alberto Gonzales a blank check to spy on all of us this is just what this blog site is about government abuses and the need to never ever trust our government or any other as our Founding Fathers all knew..!
Rigged USA Elections 2004 exposed
Rigged USA Elections 2004 exposed Programmer Clinton Curtis Testifies Before Congressional Committee as to Fraud and Rigged 2004 Elections in Florida and Ohio..E voting at it's worse..Watch this Video and Testimony the Media has refused to share with The American People..!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Consortiumnews.comGood article on our latest abomination and disgrace by the Demo-rats and Republican-Taliban our enemies and greatest our Republic..!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Traitor Democrats strip the 4th Amendment..! | Clipmarks
Traitor Democrats strip the 4th Amendment..! | Clipmarks These are the Traitor Democrats who have given the power to Alberto Gonzales to act as Judge Cop and Executioner, Alberto Gonzales for God's sake from Diane Feinstein to Barbara Boxer who skipper her vote to protect the Constitution..!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Korb_Testimony.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Korb_Testimony.pdf (application/pdf Object) Lawrence Korb's hugely important Testimony to Our Armed Services Committee the News refused to cover..America is being Wolf Blitzered..Try to catch this important hearing on C-Span as I did the hearing was July 27th on Our Broken Army..and our terrible economic and Industrial footing while at War..!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Alarm Bells are Ringing all over America: Executive Order / John Edwards '08 Blog
Alarm Bells are Ringing all over America: Executive Order / John Edwards '08 Blog The Bush Administration and this President are attempting to criminalize the anti-war movement and Our Congress will do nothing to protect and defend the Constitution..Executive order 13438 singed by G.W. Bush July 19th 2007..! This post from a great blogger Karita Hummer..
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
John Edwards Get's it..! / John Edwards '08 Blog
John Edwards Gets it..! / John Edwards '08 Blog John Edwards has a break through moment that will be repeated in the You Tube Debate..CNN plays it down but now we're gonna have a horse Edwards..things are going to get real interesting finally..!
Crooks and Liars » Democratic Member Of House Homeland Security Committee Denied Access To Portions Of Presidential Directive
Crooks and Liars » Democratic Member Of House Homeland Security Committee Denied Access To Portions Of Presidential Directive Congressman De Fazio is a member of the House Homeland Security Committee yet he was refused the classified sections of the latest Presidential Directives NSPD-51 ands HSPD-20 many believe will give President Bush full Dictatorial powers over America any time The President declares an emergency even an attack not within America..! At least Rep. De Fazio has made an effort the rest of Congress is sitting on it's petard as Bush is establishing his Unitary Dictatorship..!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
James Madison warned us of G.W. al.. / John Edwards '08 Blog
James Madison warned us of G.W. al.. / John Edwards '08 Blog Madison, Jefferson, Franklin all warned us of what we see occurring daily.. Remember you lose your rights and freedom and democracy by increment slowly bit by bit most often not all at once which would raise an opposition..every week there is a new Presidential Directive or signing statement that alters and perverts our very system of governance and hardly a word from our elected officials or candidates of either suspect party..
This is a great article by Robert Scheer that details how many of Madison's predictions G.W. Bush fulfills..on our way to despotism and tyranny..!
This is a great article by Robert Scheer that details how many of Madison's predictions G.W. Bush fulfills..on our way to despotism and tyranny..!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Dobbs: Time to free Ramos and Compean -
Dobbs: Time to free Ramos and Compean - This whole case was so unjust and it has Alberto Gonzales and Chertoff's stink all over it..! If Scooter Libby's sentence was excessive how is their's not..?
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
al-FDA and Republican Taliban Kills more Americans than al-Qaeda..! / John Edwards '08 Blog
al-FDA and Republican-Taliban Kills more Americans than al-Qaeda..! / John Edwards '08 Blog The FDA and von Eschenbach constitute a clear and present danger and direct threat to the health and safety of the lives of every American, al-FDA I call them...Why does The Unitary Executive approve of this quite slaughter of Americans..?
Monday, July 16, 2007
Why can't We The People get Our Sentence Commuted..? / John Edwards '08 Blog
Why can't We The People get Our Sentence Commuted..? / John Edwards '08 Blog If Scooter Libby's sentence was excessive how is 18 more months 1 1/2 more years of this degrading debacle and wasteful plunder not "Cruel and Unusual punishment" of our entire nation..?"
AlterNet: Hurricane Katrina: In the Lawless Post-Katrina Cleanup, Construction Companies Are Preying on Workers
AlterNet: Hurricane Katrina: In the Lawless Post-Katrina Cleanup, Construction Companies Are Preying on Workers As goes Iraq so goes Katrina..The Bush Administration and it's cronies preying upon workers both American and illegals.. Of course FEMA is involved and has already made itself a four letter word to those in the stricken Gulf Region ravaged by Katrina, now imagine Michael Chertoff being in charge of almost all Federal agencies and all of our industry under HSPD-20 as written and signed by G.W. Bush on May 9th..!
Chertoff can't rebuild a city one city even but under HSPD-20 Chertoff who no one ever voted for will be the second most powerful man in America if not the world..are we completely insane does anyone trust one word Michael Chertoff says..? This article in long over due and of course yet another national disgrace..!
Chertoff can't rebuild a city one city even but under HSPD-20 Chertoff who no one ever voted for will be the second most powerful man in America if not the world..are we completely insane does anyone trust one word Michael Chertoff says..? This article in long over due and of course yet another national disgrace..!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Congressman Dennis Kucinich
Congressman Dennis Kucinich Congressman Kucinich on the House Redeployment vote today.."We must inform the Administration that the $97 billion dollar appropriation last month is the end of the financing for the war.." "We could have the troops home by October 1st.." "End the funding and use the money in the pipeline to bring the troops home..!"
The Federalist Society Threat to Our Republic / John Edwards '08 Blog
The Federalist Society Threat to Our Republic / John Edwards '08 BlogThe Federalist Society and not al-Qaeda is the greatest threat to Our Republic..beyond any doubt..
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Michael Moore: Exclusive HuffPost Live Chat - Media on The Huffington Post
Michael Moore: Exclusive HuffPost Live Chat - Media on The Huffington PostMichael Moore's live chat answering questions from the public on Huffington Post in regard to Our Corrupted Health Care System..with some great links provided by Michael as to how you can help yourself and get involved..with nearly 500 other posts from We The People..
AlterNet: Health & Wellness: The Best Health Care Is Reserved for Congress
AlterNet: Health & Wellness: The Best Health Care Is Reserved for Congress A great important article by Don Sloan chapter 2 of his Practicing Medicine without a License..! The Corporate Takeover of Health Care in America..
I have experienced this myself when after Bush got his hands involved in My Health Care the Insurance company cut me off from my prostrate medicine and tried to force me onto one that had bad side effects for me and there is no Generic for my medication prescribed by a board certified Urologist, either so these crooks from Texas where else were literally practicing medicine and prescribing medicine with examining me that was designed for women not 55 year old Italian American men..I begged Senator Clinton's office for help but they showed no what's new, she's a Corporate Democrat sellout shill herself, and takes more money from these ghouls that any other candidate of either corrupt party..! So I now get no medication for my prostrate and am for the most part even more homebound.. I also even though I have both Medicare and Medicaid can't get into any orthopedic even though I have multiple serious orthopedic injuries back broken neck fractured, hips out of alignment plus to bone cancer operations..!
Read this important article and remember that what's good for The Ruling Class, is too good for you or your family and the rest of us..! Congress, The President and Vice President which ever branch of government he's apart of today, all get Single Payer Health Care..!
I have experienced this myself when after Bush got his hands involved in My Health Care the Insurance company cut me off from my prostrate medicine and tried to force me onto one that had bad side effects for me and there is no Generic for my medication prescribed by a board certified Urologist, either so these crooks from Texas where else were literally practicing medicine and prescribing medicine with examining me that was designed for women not 55 year old Italian American men..I begged Senator Clinton's office for help but they showed no what's new, she's a Corporate Democrat sellout shill herself, and takes more money from these ghouls that any other candidate of either corrupt party..! So I now get no medication for my prostrate and am for the most part even more homebound.. I also even though I have both Medicare and Medicaid can't get into any orthopedic even though I have multiple serious orthopedic injuries back broken neck fractured, hips out of alignment plus to bone cancer operations..!
Read this important article and remember that what's good for The Ruling Class, is too good for you or your family and the rest of us..! Congress, The President and Vice President which ever branch of government he's apart of today, all get Single Payer Health Care..!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
The Seinfeld Presidency..!
That's the Bush Agenda for Iraq, there is no agenda..! It's The Seinfeld Presidency..!
Imperialism and Fascism are on the Rise in the USA
Imperialism and Fascism are on the Rise in the USA Are We still in reality a democratic Republic, or a corporate oligarchy masquerading as a nation..? This is a excellent article once again from Global I hope you all sign up for their great newsletters..
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Shut down the government to force Bush, Cheney Resignation..! / John Edwards '08 Blog
Shut down the government to force Bush, Cheney Resignation..! / John Edwards '08 Blog Congress and The Senate should Walk out until Bush and Cheney Resign..Shut it down until the "rule of law" is restored to our great nation..enough is enough..!
Thursday, July 5, 2007 : AN APOLOGY FROM A BUSH VOTER : AN APOLOGY FROM A BUSH VOTER By Doug McIntyre of McIntyre in the Morning Talk Radio 790..A Must Read..and I agree..
Bush "Anti-Protester" Manual Discovered -
Bush "Anti-Protester" Manual Discovered -"When Taxpayers foot the bill for a public event, The President does not have the right to use a partisan litmus test to stack the audience with his political supporters.." Bush White House manual on how to suppress decent..October 2002..
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Guerrilla Funk : Thought Box
Guerrilla Funk : Thought Box These are 20 incredible facts about E-voting machines and that industry that will blow your mind like the Vice President of Diebold and President ES&S are brothers, and 19 other facts that should put this industry under strict Federal Control..and investigation..
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Industry Totals: Pharmaceuticals/Health Products
Industry Totals: Pharmaceuticals/Health Products The Drug Companies have been shoveling money at the Republicans like Las Vegas Whores on a Friday night at a Dry Cleaners Convention..!
An you wonder why your Health Care and Drugs cost so much..
An you wonder why your Health Care and Drugs cost so much..
Industry Totals: Oil & Gas
Industry Totals: Oil & GasBig Oil and Gas Loves Republicans, look at the differential in their contributions then you wonder why we're in Iraq..! This is why we must Nationalize the American Oil solves so many problems and will move us into the 21st Century..!
Industry Totals: Insurance
Industry Totals: InsuranceThis is the chart of Insurance Company contributions to Our Elected Representatives of both parties notice the jump from 1996 up, and in 2000 to The Republicans and Bush candidacy I guess they knew what they were paying for..!
Teachers sell sex to buy food as Mugabe cronies get richer - Times Online
Teachers sell sex to buy food as Mugabe cronies get richer - Times Online Zimbabwe where inflation has hit 15,000% school teachers are selling their bodies to buy food, under Mugabe's tyranny and insanity..!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Geoffrey R. Stone: Roberts, Alito and The Rule of Law - Politics on The Huffington Post
Geoffrey R. Stone: Roberts, Alito and The Rule of Law - Politics on The Huffington Post A Great article that details what was the U.S. Supreme Court, and is now The Federalist Society Court..!
They can quote Hamilton till it comes out their ass, they are the very people and threat that Jefferson, Madison and Franklin warned us of..! We must all be aware of and stop this vile pernicious cabal and it's agenda to create an American Dictatorship..and deny us all the protections of The Constitution and to overthrow our very system..!
They can quote Hamilton till it comes out their ass, they are the very people and threat that Jefferson, Madison and Franklin warned us of..! We must all be aware of and stop this vile pernicious cabal and it's agenda to create an American Dictatorship..and deny us all the protections of The Constitution and to overthrow our very system..!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Truthdig - Reports - The Banality of Greed
Truthdig - Reports - The Banality of GreedKBR and War Profiteering at unprecedented levels in Iraq..
General Pace fired to clear way for “national emergency,” Iran nuclear strike?
General Pace fired to clear way for “national emergency,” Iran nuclear strike? NSPD-51 and HSPD-20 the new Presidential Directives signed by G.W.Bush on May 9th 2007 are the most important story before this nation and the Media is not covering any of for a few mentions such as C-Span and a few brave web can find and read the actual documents at, under Presidential Directives Bush..
Monday, June 25, 2007
DUI BLOG : Bad Drunk Driving Laws, False Evidence and a Fading Constitution
DUI BLOG : Bad Drunk Driving Laws, False Evidence and a Fading Constitution This is a really terrific article on how MADD has turned America into a police state made us all fearful of leaving our homes at night and yet protects drunk driving Cops and Judges as crashed into me..
When I was a victim of a drunk cop who had 5 accidents in 7 months and 7 in less than 18 MADD denied it could be true and refused me any help as a drunk driving victim with permanent injuries and guess who covered up for the drunk cop and allowed him to retaliate against me and my girl friend and her little kids for 10 years till we fled New Jersey forever..that's right that lying criminal scum bag perjurer Judge Samuel A. Alito..!
When I was a victim of a drunk cop who had 5 accidents in 7 months and 7 in less than 18 MADD denied it could be true and refused me any help as a drunk driving victim with permanent injuries and guess who covered up for the drunk cop and allowed him to retaliate against me and my girl friend and her little kids for 10 years till we fled New Jersey forever..that's right that lying criminal scum bag perjurer Judge Samuel A. Alito..!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Hundreds of brickwork slaves freed in China-News-World-Asia-TimesOnline
Hundreds of brickwork slaves freed in China-News-World-Asia-TimesOnline One for all the "Free Traitors" we have here in America..I wonder if Tom Delay had stocks in this company..?
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Charlotte Observer | 06/12/2007 | FBI wants to mine massive database in search for terrorists
Charlotte Observer | 06/12/2007 | FBI wants to mine massive database in search for terrorists Here We Go Again..FBI, NSA, DARPA, NSPD-51 HSPD-20 Republicans and their "less government"..sure.. right..!
Friday, June 1, 2007
AlterNet: Don't We Have a Constitution, Not a King?
Bush Signs papers making Him Dictator under NSPD-51 on May 9th 2007..This is a great article on it by Professor of Jefferson Law School Marjorie Cohen..
AlterNet: Don't We Have a Constitution, Not a King?
AlterNet: Don't We Have a Constitution, Not a King?
Thursday, May 31, 2007
This is correct and true so important, they have forsaken and violated The Constitution..
This is correct and true so important, they have forsaken and violated The Constitution..
informationliberation - Criminals Control the Executive Branch
Brzenski's Testimony The Media suppressed..Feb. 1st 2007 before the U.S. Senate..
informationliberation - Criminals Control the Executive Branch
informationliberation - Criminals Control the Executive Branch
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
NSPD-51: National Continuity Policy
NSPD-51: National Continuity Policy
This is G.W. Bush's Dictatorship plan NSPD-51 and NSPD-20 are both here this is truly dangerous and the greatest threat to Our Republic ever..conceived..all it takes is any thing He Deems an Emergency occurring anywhere..!
This is G.W. Bush's Dictatorship plan NSPD-51 and NSPD-20 are both here this is truly dangerous and the greatest threat to Our Republic ever..conceived..all it takes is any thing He Deems an Emergency occurring anywhere..!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
TJ Colatrella aka T.J Cole..
That's me, the blogger of Stars4Peace and many songs..
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Uncle Sam says..
Impeachment is the only answer..for the sake of the rule of Law and Our Constitution and the ages..
I'd vote to Impeach Bush and Cheney even if it was, their last day in office..
I'd vote to Impeach Bush and Cheney even if it was, their last day in office..
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Senate Office Building Protest the Press covered up..!
The Press is suppressing the protest movement, this was done at The Senate Office building but CNN covered it up so did Countdown and MSNBC, it's not just Fox News that is a part of the Bush family Mafia Propaganda Machine..
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Dutch TV Coverage Exposing 2007 Bilderberg Conference
~The Dreaded Evil Greed Stricken Super Shits of The World
The Bilderbergers~
Dutch TV Coverage Exposing 2007 Bilderberg Conference
The Bilderbergers~
Dutch TV Coverage Exposing 2007 Bilderberg Conference
Saturday, April 21, 2007
This tells it all..
Why did Bush give bin-Laden a truce, and allow him to escape Tora Bora refusing to send the 6-800 troops our CIA and Special Forces begged for..?
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Friday, April 20, 2007
The Real G.W...and "blow hard" Heretic Falwell..
From the horse's mouth, and not the horse's ass..! TJ
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Monday, April 16, 2007
Mysticism is...William McNamara, Christian Mysticism, P.8
Mysticism is very important for me and for you..Follow Your Bliss..
The Road Not Taken
A favorite of mine always..TJ
Sunday, April 15, 2007
The Sand Trap: Iraq..Links to sites..
This is one sand trap even Tiger Woods can't hit out of..
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Bush and The FDA have killed more Americans than al-Qaeda..!
That is a fact, and now they are lying before The Senate as to China poisoning our food supply, as well as creating a new generation of junkies and also killing others with Oxycotin and the rest of these new opiate based highly addictive pain killers..!
Bush let The FDA kill 10,000 Americans with the Coxx inhibitor Vioxx scam and 100,000 had heart attacks, he was not only not outraged but worked hard with the scum bag Karl Rove to cover it up..!
Bush and his policies, including Katrina as well, has killed far more Americans than Osama bin-Laden, who he let escape Tora Bora, and our Senate and Congress won't Impeach this national disgrace of a President..!
By: TJTelecaster on May 10, 2007 at 06:28pm
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