Sunday, July 29, 2007
Korb_Testimony.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Korb_Testimony.pdf (application/pdf Object) Lawrence Korb's hugely important Testimony to Our Armed Services Committee the News refused to cover..America is being Wolf Blitzered..Try to catch this important hearing on C-Span as I did the hearing was July 27th on Our Broken Army..and our terrible economic and Industrial footing while at War..!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Alarm Bells are Ringing all over America: Executive Order / John Edwards '08 Blog
Alarm Bells are Ringing all over America: Executive Order / John Edwards '08 Blog The Bush Administration and this President are attempting to criminalize the anti-war movement and Our Congress will do nothing to protect and defend the Constitution..Executive order 13438 singed by G.W. Bush July 19th 2007..! This post from a great blogger Karita Hummer..
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
John Edwards Get's it..! / John Edwards '08 Blog
John Edwards Gets it..! / John Edwards '08 Blog John Edwards has a break through moment that will be repeated in the You Tube Debate..CNN plays it down but now we're gonna have a horse Edwards..things are going to get real interesting finally..!
Crooks and Liars » Democratic Member Of House Homeland Security Committee Denied Access To Portions Of Presidential Directive
Crooks and Liars » Democratic Member Of House Homeland Security Committee Denied Access To Portions Of Presidential Directive Congressman De Fazio is a member of the House Homeland Security Committee yet he was refused the classified sections of the latest Presidential Directives NSPD-51 ands HSPD-20 many believe will give President Bush full Dictatorial powers over America any time The President declares an emergency even an attack not within America..! At least Rep. De Fazio has made an effort the rest of Congress is sitting on it's petard as Bush is establishing his Unitary Dictatorship..!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
James Madison warned us of G.W. al.. / John Edwards '08 Blog
James Madison warned us of G.W. al.. / John Edwards '08 Blog Madison, Jefferson, Franklin all warned us of what we see occurring daily.. Remember you lose your rights and freedom and democracy by increment slowly bit by bit most often not all at once which would raise an opposition..every week there is a new Presidential Directive or signing statement that alters and perverts our very system of governance and hardly a word from our elected officials or candidates of either suspect party..
This is a great article by Robert Scheer that details how many of Madison's predictions G.W. Bush fulfills..on our way to despotism and tyranny..!
This is a great article by Robert Scheer that details how many of Madison's predictions G.W. Bush fulfills..on our way to despotism and tyranny..!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Dobbs: Time to free Ramos and Compean -
Dobbs: Time to free Ramos and Compean - This whole case was so unjust and it has Alberto Gonzales and Chertoff's stink all over it..! If Scooter Libby's sentence was excessive how is their's not..?
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
al-FDA and Republican Taliban Kills more Americans than al-Qaeda..! / John Edwards '08 Blog
al-FDA and Republican-Taliban Kills more Americans than al-Qaeda..! / John Edwards '08 Blog The FDA and von Eschenbach constitute a clear and present danger and direct threat to the health and safety of the lives of every American, al-FDA I call them...Why does The Unitary Executive approve of this quite slaughter of Americans..?
Monday, July 16, 2007
Why can't We The People get Our Sentence Commuted..? / John Edwards '08 Blog
Why can't We The People get Our Sentence Commuted..? / John Edwards '08 Blog If Scooter Libby's sentence was excessive how is 18 more months 1 1/2 more years of this degrading debacle and wasteful plunder not "Cruel and Unusual punishment" of our entire nation..?"
AlterNet: Hurricane Katrina: In the Lawless Post-Katrina Cleanup, Construction Companies Are Preying on Workers
AlterNet: Hurricane Katrina: In the Lawless Post-Katrina Cleanup, Construction Companies Are Preying on Workers As goes Iraq so goes Katrina..The Bush Administration and it's cronies preying upon workers both American and illegals.. Of course FEMA is involved and has already made itself a four letter word to those in the stricken Gulf Region ravaged by Katrina, now imagine Michael Chertoff being in charge of almost all Federal agencies and all of our industry under HSPD-20 as written and signed by G.W. Bush on May 9th..!
Chertoff can't rebuild a city one city even but under HSPD-20 Chertoff who no one ever voted for will be the second most powerful man in America if not the world..are we completely insane does anyone trust one word Michael Chertoff says..? This article in long over due and of course yet another national disgrace..!
Chertoff can't rebuild a city one city even but under HSPD-20 Chertoff who no one ever voted for will be the second most powerful man in America if not the world..are we completely insane does anyone trust one word Michael Chertoff says..? This article in long over due and of course yet another national disgrace..!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Congressman Dennis Kucinich
Congressman Dennis Kucinich Congressman Kucinich on the House Redeployment vote today.."We must inform the Administration that the $97 billion dollar appropriation last month is the end of the financing for the war.." "We could have the troops home by October 1st.." "End the funding and use the money in the pipeline to bring the troops home..!"
The Federalist Society Threat to Our Republic / John Edwards '08 Blog
The Federalist Society Threat to Our Republic / John Edwards '08 BlogThe Federalist Society and not al-Qaeda is the greatest threat to Our Republic..beyond any doubt..
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Michael Moore: Exclusive HuffPost Live Chat - Media on The Huffington Post
Michael Moore: Exclusive HuffPost Live Chat - Media on The Huffington PostMichael Moore's live chat answering questions from the public on Huffington Post in regard to Our Corrupted Health Care System..with some great links provided by Michael as to how you can help yourself and get involved..with nearly 500 other posts from We The People..
AlterNet: Health & Wellness: The Best Health Care Is Reserved for Congress
AlterNet: Health & Wellness: The Best Health Care Is Reserved for Congress A great important article by Don Sloan chapter 2 of his Practicing Medicine without a License..! The Corporate Takeover of Health Care in America..
I have experienced this myself when after Bush got his hands involved in My Health Care the Insurance company cut me off from my prostrate medicine and tried to force me onto one that had bad side effects for me and there is no Generic for my medication prescribed by a board certified Urologist, either so these crooks from Texas where else were literally practicing medicine and prescribing medicine with examining me that was designed for women not 55 year old Italian American men..I begged Senator Clinton's office for help but they showed no what's new, she's a Corporate Democrat sellout shill herself, and takes more money from these ghouls that any other candidate of either corrupt party..! So I now get no medication for my prostrate and am for the most part even more homebound.. I also even though I have both Medicare and Medicaid can't get into any orthopedic even though I have multiple serious orthopedic injuries back broken neck fractured, hips out of alignment plus to bone cancer operations..!
Read this important article and remember that what's good for The Ruling Class, is too good for you or your family and the rest of us..! Congress, The President and Vice President which ever branch of government he's apart of today, all get Single Payer Health Care..!
I have experienced this myself when after Bush got his hands involved in My Health Care the Insurance company cut me off from my prostrate medicine and tried to force me onto one that had bad side effects for me and there is no Generic for my medication prescribed by a board certified Urologist, either so these crooks from Texas where else were literally practicing medicine and prescribing medicine with examining me that was designed for women not 55 year old Italian American men..I begged Senator Clinton's office for help but they showed no what's new, she's a Corporate Democrat sellout shill herself, and takes more money from these ghouls that any other candidate of either corrupt party..! So I now get no medication for my prostrate and am for the most part even more homebound.. I also even though I have both Medicare and Medicaid can't get into any orthopedic even though I have multiple serious orthopedic injuries back broken neck fractured, hips out of alignment plus to bone cancer operations..!
Read this important article and remember that what's good for The Ruling Class, is too good for you or your family and the rest of us..! Congress, The President and Vice President which ever branch of government he's apart of today, all get Single Payer Health Care..!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
The Seinfeld Presidency..!
That's the Bush Agenda for Iraq, there is no agenda..! It's The Seinfeld Presidency..!
clipped from
Imperialism and Fascism are on the Rise in the USA
Imperialism and Fascism are on the Rise in the USA Are We still in reality a democratic Republic, or a corporate oligarchy masquerading as a nation..? This is a excellent article once again from Global I hope you all sign up for their great newsletters..
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Shut down the government to force Bush, Cheney Resignation..! / John Edwards '08 Blog
Shut down the government to force Bush, Cheney Resignation..! / John Edwards '08 Blog Congress and The Senate should Walk out until Bush and Cheney Resign..Shut it down until the "rule of law" is restored to our great nation..enough is enough..!
Thursday, July 5, 2007 : AN APOLOGY FROM A BUSH VOTER : AN APOLOGY FROM A BUSH VOTER By Doug McIntyre of McIntyre in the Morning Talk Radio 790..A Must Read..and I agree..
Bush "Anti-Protester" Manual Discovered -
Bush "Anti-Protester" Manual Discovered -"When Taxpayers foot the bill for a public event, The President does not have the right to use a partisan litmus test to stack the audience with his political supporters.." Bush White House manual on how to suppress decent..October 2002..
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Guerrilla Funk : Thought Box
Guerrilla Funk : Thought Box These are 20 incredible facts about E-voting machines and that industry that will blow your mind like the Vice President of Diebold and President ES&S are brothers, and 19 other facts that should put this industry under strict Federal Control..and investigation..
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Industry Totals: Pharmaceuticals/Health Products
Industry Totals: Pharmaceuticals/Health Products The Drug Companies have been shoveling money at the Republicans like Las Vegas Whores on a Friday night at a Dry Cleaners Convention..!
An you wonder why your Health Care and Drugs cost so much..
An you wonder why your Health Care and Drugs cost so much..
Industry Totals: Oil & Gas
Industry Totals: Oil & GasBig Oil and Gas Loves Republicans, look at the differential in their contributions then you wonder why we're in Iraq..! This is why we must Nationalize the American Oil solves so many problems and will move us into the 21st Century..!
Industry Totals: Insurance
Industry Totals: InsuranceThis is the chart of Insurance Company contributions to Our Elected Representatives of both parties notice the jump from 1996 up, and in 2000 to The Republicans and Bush candidacy I guess they knew what they were paying for..!
Teachers sell sex to buy food as Mugabe cronies get richer - Times Online
Teachers sell sex to buy food as Mugabe cronies get richer - Times Online Zimbabwe where inflation has hit 15,000% school teachers are selling their bodies to buy food, under Mugabe's tyranny and insanity..!
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